Ciao, come stai? I’m so glad you’re here in this tiny coffee-loving corner of the Internet
I haven’t always been a coffee-lover and perhaps neither have you. Back in 2013, I hardly ever even had coffee. At the bar or at home.
But at some point, I’d got stuck on the treadmill of life where I confused hyperactivity and busyness with growing up and being an adult.
I wasn’t happy about my life at the time but I thought that was what being a grown-up was all about.
As adults, we’re not supposed to love our jobs, we have to make a living. We’re supposed to be busy and occupied because that shows that we are doing something and that’s good.
Laziness is the root of all evils.
The more you do, the more you matter.
All ideas that come in a sexy package pretty much everywhere.
I can’t believe I’m even writing these words down but the truth is that deep down inside, at some subconscious level, I believed these things. No wonder I was miserable.
I couldn’t quite pin down the source of my discontent. I live in Italy and at the time, I thought I was fed up of life here ( which can be challenging) and I was planning to leave and live abroad.
I was outsourcing my life and happiness.
Then, in 2014, I had some health issues that forced me to slow down, take a break from work and focus on my well-being.
And that’s when I opened my eyes. And when I discovered a passion for coffee.
Not just any kind of coffee. No.
Il caffé al bar. That cup of coffee, a porcelain cup that you order at the café when you stop for a quick break, have a quick chat with the bartender and then go on with your day. Maybe glimpse at the local papers as well.
In those difficult days, I learned many things. And I began to notice the world around me.
l learned that once I got my health back, I didn’t want to go back to my previous life. I wanted to stay connected to my needs and not miss out on my own life.
I decided that for me, success was measured by how many sunsets I managed to gaze at in a week and how tasty my prosecco with cheese was.
I started seeing Italy through the dreamy eyes of my clients who dreamt of learning Italian and relocating.
I learned to truly appreciate what I had.
What do we learn from a good cup of coffee? We begin to appreciate life every single day, not only on weekends.
When I began letting coffee secrets in my life
In 2016, I went on to create All About Italian where I found my voice and my community of like-minded people who share a passion for all things Italian starting from the lifestyle and the ability to simply be.
In 2019, I began hosting Retreats in southern Italy where people got to experience and breathe the pace of life in small-town Italy and create meaningful connections.
Taking a break for coffee is something very powerful.
Taking a break, looking around, sipping on our coffee, inhaling the aroma and taking our time sugaring it.
These are all tiny steps to help us appreciate the moment and ourselves for taking the time.
That’s what we’ll be doing here.
We’ll take many breaks, with coffee or without.
I live in Italy and this country offers amazing tools to do just that, appreciate life more.
Here at Coffee Secrets, we slow down and enjoy the pleasure of a cup of coffee, the chats, and the simple luxury of giving ourselves the greatest gift of all, time.
So, thanks for being here. Like in 2016, I’m not quite sure of what I’m doing yet except that I’ll only share here when I’m truly inspired. I’m so, so tired of reading scheduled content creation.
I’m ready to slow down even more and read longer musings
Coffee Secrets is not about adding to the noise but about making a difference.
Like a good cup of coffee and a nice chat.
I’m so excited to be here in this new space. Let’s see where it goes. Vediamo!
Ciao e bentrovata! I wasn't a coffee lover either, but now I'm addicted to it and I love especially cappuccino. A presto!
Il tuo scritto e' molto diretto; non sprecca le parole. Che bello!